Since 1983 the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild has worked to support the development of the book arts in Canada. This web site is dedicated to that effort. The book arts include bookbinding, artists' books, papermaking, calligraphy, letterpress printing and typography, wood engraving, paper decorating, restoration, and conservation.


THE FLAG BOOK - February 5, 2025, 6 - 9 p.m. EST

Join us for a fun evening making The Flag Book. The flag book is an accordion based book that has tabs or flags attached to each page. It was invented by Hedi Kyle and has been used for fun interactive books by many book artists.

In this workshop, we’ll work with multiple copies of one image to make a flag book that flaps open to extend the image as you open the book.

Click here for full details and to register.


TRIANGLE BEE BUTTONHOLE BOOK March 2, 2025, 10.30 a.m. - 2.45 p.m. EST

Join the fun to learn three techniques all in one tiny little book - we learned embroidery on leather, buttonhole stitching for binding books, and weaving as a decorative element for the spine.

The workshop will include discussions of different stitches, different kinds of threads, differences between stitching on leather and fabric.

The book measures under 5cm / 2”

Click here for full details and to register.


Coptic Bookbinding from the 4th-7th Century - March 30, April 6, and April 13, 2025, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST

Scrolls were all very well but what the Western world really needed was the codex. What we think of as the book form was first developed by Coptic Christians living in Egypt and the earliest evidence that we have is from the 4th C CE.

In this course you will use papyrus, leather, handmade paper, silver, gold, and bone to sew, design and create a series of Coptic bindings of increasing complexity in the spirit and style of the earliest book forms, each one as unique as its creator. Beautiful, sensual and imbued with a sense of history, these books will give you a base for further creative work

Click here for full details and to register.

ONLINE Bookbinding 1: Home Study - Guided Stream

Bookbinding 1 is the first workshop in CBBAG’s core curriculum and introduces the variety of tools, materials, sewings, and constructions fundamental to hand bookbinding.

Using the Thinkific online teaching platform, the workshop is a series of lecture-style videos, direct demonstration videos, and how-to pdfs housed into modules. The workshop will start with the making of a simple pamphlet and proceed to the binding of two hard cover books.

2025 - 2026 courses:

Cohort 10:

Online workshop access starts: Monday, May 12, 2025

Duration: 8 months – May 2025 to Jan 2026

Registration closes Monday, February 24, 2025, 11:59 PM

Click here for full details.


Cohort 11

Online workshop access starts: Monday, September 8, 2025

Duration: 8 months –Sept 2025 to May 2026

Registration closes Monday, June 23, 2025, 11:59 PM

Click here for full details.

Kindred Spirits: The Lucy Maud Montgomery Legacy as Interpreted by Contemporary Book Artists

For the list of exhibition venues across Canada, visit the exhibition's website:  kindred-spirits-bookarts.com

The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild gratefully acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada.

FacebookInstagram, and Youtube (for exclusive lecture recording, Beyond Anne of Green Gables, presented by Kathy Wasylenky from Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario).

Kindred Spirits mugs!

Watch this space:

Beautiful Kindred Spirits mugs will soon be available for sale.

Details to be posted very soon.

For any inquiries, email cbbag@cbbag.ca



Work & Hobby

Bookbinding consists of many different types of work, particularly in North America where it can be difficult to specialize and make a living.

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Book Arts arts du livre Canada is published twice a year. It features book arts events, book artists, book and exhibition reviews, technical articles, and historical essays.

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CBBAG has a few curated lists of resources that we think will be of use to bookbinders and book artists. 

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Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001

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