CBBAG has a few curated lists of resources that will be of use to bookbinders and book artists. The lists were most recently updated in 2021. The focus is generally on resources located in Canada. These lists are only sporadically updated, so notifications of dead links to are always appreciated.


This is a list of schools and organizations that offer courses in bookbinding and the book arts. These range from one-day workshops to degree programmes. Inclusion in this list should not be construed as an endorsement by CBBAG. List is current as of July 2021. The focus in on Canadian opportunities, but where appropriate the list includes locations in the United States and outside of North America. Please send any suggestions for additions to 

View the Education Resource List here.

English to French Book Arts Terms

When CBBAG looked to hire a professional translator for The Art of the Book ’03 exhibition catalogue, the exhibition curators found that the translation service did not have available many bookbinding and book arts technical terms. CBBAG does not claim that this list is a definitive translation of book arts terms from English to French. There are many differences of opinion on this as in so much else in bookbinding and "livres d'artiste." It was decided to limit the list to translation from English to French only as it was quickly clear that CBBAG was not in a position to decide what would be useful to translate from French to English. CBBAG hopes that this list will be useful. The list was originally compiled by Shelagh Smith & Hélène Francoeur and CBBAG would like to acknowledge their dedication and hard work. It was reviewed and gently edited in 2021.

View the English to French Resource List here.


CBBAG Book Arts Suppliers Listing is undergoing updating as of summer 2021. The list below is a short list of suppliers located in Canada. Further updates will be done. You may also wish to consult the Book Arts Web supplier list.

View the Suppliers Resource List here.


In support of its mandate to increase educational opportunities, CBBAG publishes a listing of teachers offering instruction in various book arts. The list of teachers below was posted on March 15, 2016. The information contained was supplied by the individuals listed and they are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information. Contact teachers directly for details about the programmes they offer. NOTE: Inasmuch as it is not possible for CBBAG to know the capabilities of all of the teachers listed, inclusion in this list should not be construed as an endorsement by CBBAG. Any corrections, updates, or new listings should be sent to the CBBAG office for future revisions to this list.

View the Instructors Resource List here.


Welcome to one of the most comprehensive lists of book arts links on the web, published online since September of 1996 and updated on an irregular basis. If you discover a link is no longer working or if you know of sites not listed here that you think would be of interest, please  e-mail the information to CBBAG would like to keep this list accurate. Inclusion of links on this website is at the discretion of CBBAG.

View the Links Resource List here.

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Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001

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