Volunteer Recognition

A new CBBAG  life member was appointed at the 2024 Annual Members' Meeting on May 7, 2024:

Joe Landry is a bookbinder, conservator, and letterpress printer. He has taught book arts at NSCAD University, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, for over 20 years as well as for the Center for Book Arts (NYC). He developed a love for bookbinding while working at his uncle’s bindery on St. Margaret’s Bay Road in Halifax before studying binding and printing at the London College of Printing and completing the Conservation of Rare Books and Manuscripts program at West Dean College (UK) under Chris Clarkson. Joe also completed some training in Italy and is an expert in Byzantine and medieval bindings. He is a strong advocate for bookbinding and letterpress in the Maritimes and beyond, particularly through his decades of work with the Dawson’s Print Room/Shop (first at the Killam Library at Dalhousie University then at NSCAD). He taught bookbinding and marbling courses for CBBAG for many years, was a member of the CBBAG National Education Committee, the Eastern Regional representative for the CBBAG national board, a director at large on the national board, the former co-chair of the CBBAG Nova Scotia Chapter, and curated CBBAG bookbinding shows of Eastern Canadian bookbinding.

Volunteers are essential to the operation of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild as it is a volunteer-run arts organization.

There are several ways are to volunteer:

- with a local chapter
- as a chapter leader
- on a national committee e.g. education, magazine, social media
- on the board of directors

CBBAG volunteers have discovered many benefits:

- friendships
- supporting a growing community
- shared passion for book arts
- contributing art-adjacent or technical skills
- leadership development

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Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001

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