The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild supports, promotes, and seeks to inspire participation in traditional bookbinding and contemporary book arts. It does this through the efforts of its members and volunteers in providing high quality book arts information, resources, education, and networking opportunities to the Canadian book arts community and interested public.

CBBAG's goals as an organization are To:

- Become a more broadly based, national organization, representative of, and advocate for, the book arts;
- Increase the organization's financial strength to support future stability and growth;
- Develop and expand CBBAG’s human resource base to meet the organization’s current and future needs;
- Increase board/governance effectiveness through improved policy and practice;
- Develop, refine, and expand in-studio and home study educational programmes to best serve beginner through master level bookbinders and book artists;
- Deliver programmes and membership services that are innovative, high quality, and cost-effective that return maximum value to members, participants, and sponsors.

CBBAG activities

CBBAG activities are focused in four areas: education, exhibitions, events, and publications.

CBBAG's members

CBBAG's members include bookbinders, book artists, calligraphers, paper makers, paper decorators, letterpress printers, book collectors, conservators, archivists, teachers, and students in Canada and around the world.

Our organization

CBBAG is a volunteer-run, registered charitable organization (federally incorporated under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act). CBBAG has approximately 500 members and seven chapters across Canada, based in Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatchewan, London, and Ottawa.

Social Media

CBBAG has a Facebook group page, which is private to Facebook users only. This group allows for community interaction and discussion and is a great way to network and see what other bookbinders are up to!

As well, CBBAG has a public Facebook page , Instagram page, and YouTube page.

Board of Directors


President - Christine McNair (from Ottawa Valley chapter)
Vice President - Arielle VanderSchans (from Southwestern Ontario chapter)
Secretary - Ashley Day (from the GTA chapter
Treasurer - Hannah McKendry (from BC Lower Mainland chapter)

Directors at Large:

Kari Bronaugh (from Greater Toronto Area chapter)
Robin Canham (from the GTA chapter)

Fabiana Salvador (from the GTA chapter)

Murray Schellenberg (from the BC Lower Mainland chapter)

Committees / Portfolios

Chapters Liaison - Arielle VanderSchans
Communications - Fabriana Salvador
National Education - Kari Bronaugh
- Home Study Program homestudy@cbbag.ca
- Workshops workshop@cbbag.ca
- DVD Loan Program dvdloan@cbbag.ca
Managing editor publications@cbbag.ca, Book Arts arts du livre Canada - Tanya Richards (from BC Islands Chapter)

Chapter Leadership (see Chapter details)

BC Islands - Trish Klus & Jose Villa Arce
BC Lower Mainland - Gina Page & Suzan Lee
Alberta North - Janice Peters & Dawn Woolsey
Calgary - Brian Queen
Saskatchewan - Kathy Hamre & Barbara Mader
Southwestern Ontario - Marilyn Book & Arielle VanderSchans
Ottawa Valley - Amy Jenkins & Tiffany Eng Moore

Contact CBBAG:


Note: CBBAG does not have a phone number; additionally, e-mails to admin@cbbag.ca are not monitored or read, please send any inquiries to cbbag@cbbag.ca.

All imagery on this website is copyright and protected by international law. Content cannot be copied, published, distributed, downloaded, or otherwise stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or converted, in any form or by any means, electronic, or otherwise without prior written permission from the copyright owner. Please contact CBBAG's web administrator for more information on contacting the copyright owner.

Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001

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