Become a CBBAG Member / Renew

Click here to join online.

Or, if you prefer, mail in your cheque/money order (or credit card information by mail) along with a printable PDF  form to CBBAG, 82809-467 Parliament Street, Toronto ON M5Z 3Y2 Canada.

Canadian memberships can also be paid by e-transfer to; please be sure to include "membership" and your name in the message section and send an e-mail to with your full contact information.

Membership for individuals, full-time students, and family members is open to those 18 years of age and older. Family members are two people co-habitating in one household (one mailing address).


 In Canadian Dollars per Year  Canadian Addresses   US and Overseas Addresses
 Individual  $60  $70
Family (two people, one set of magazines to one mailing address, or one digital copy to primary e-mail address) $70  $80
 Student (full-time with proof)  $25  $35
 Library Subscription (institution)  $70  $80

Membership Privileges (individual, family, and student memberships)

- Online and in-studio workshops
- Home Study Programme
- CBBAG Magazine (published twice a year, with choice of print & mail OR digital delivery)
- Eligible to enter in the major exhibitions, such as the Art of the Book
- Chapter membership (where available)

- Borrow from the CBBAG Lending Library (currently open to CBBAG members in Canada as, at this time, CBBAG is unable to lending outside of Canada). 

- Discounts at suppliers The Paper Place, Gwartzman's Art Supplies, Curry's Art Supplies

Why members have joined

To be a part of a non-for-profit, charitable national arts service organization (founded in 1983) is no small thing, especially since CBBAG is volunteer-run. Members joined CBBAG (pronounced "cabbage") to support and grow a community in the book arts.

To be a member of CBBAG means more than one thing. It means:
- having book arts friends and creating together a spirit of community in hand book workers and book artists;
- providing learning opportunities whether on your own (Home Study) or in a group (in person or online workshops);
- fostering excellence through exhibitions and publications;
- promoting public awareness of book arts.

CBBAG members are from all branches of the book arts: bookbinders, fine printers, papermakers, paper decorators, calligraphers, and book artists, as well as collectors, book dealers, librarians, and all those who love books.

Many members donate their time and have become taken on leadership roles. If you are interested in becoming involved as a board member or with the magazine, please let CBBAG know CBBAG is a not-for-profit, federally incorporated registered charitable organization lead by a board of directors. Please read recent Annual Reports and also visit the Volunteer page.

Many members and friends support CBBAG through financial donations. 

Donations are greatly appreciated and official donation receipts for income tax purposes are issued for all donations over $10.

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001.

All imagery on this website is copyright and protected by international law. Content cannot be copied, published, distributed, downloaded, or otherwise stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or converted, in any form or by any means, electronic, or otherwise without prior written permission from the copyright owner. Please contact CBBAG's web administrator for more information on contacting the copyright owner.

Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software