Kindred Spirits


Kindred Spirits is a touring book arts exhibition that responds to the work and life of Lucy Maud Montgomery. The pieces were created by members of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG) as an acknowledgement of the enduring legacy of Lucy Maud Montgomery at the 150th anniversary of her birth.

Kindred Spirits is now on social media 

Facebook: Kindred Spirits Book Arts, Instagram: @kindred_spirits_bookarts and YouTube: Kindred Spirits (exclusive lecture recording  entitled Beyond Anne of Green Gables presented by Kathy Wasylenky from Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario).

The Kindred Spirits exhibition is a juried collection of book artistry created by members of CBBAG. Launched in conjunction with the LMM Institute's 2024 biennial conference, this 37-piece exhibition will began its tour in mid-June 2024 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The Kindred Spirits exhibition will travel to five additional locations across Canada for a period of 18 months.

Lucy Maud Montgomery, best known for authoring the Anne of Green Gables series of books, is a Canadian of historical significance.

Through the Kindred Spirits travelling exhibition, CBBAG is honouring Lucy Maud Montgomery's 150th birthday. Lucy Maud was a prolific writer of novels and essays, as well as an avid chronicler of her time. Today's scholars continue to be inspired by her diaries, journals, and photography, which detail her views on such topics as orphaned children, motherhood, and the importance of educating girls. In addition to war (especially World War I), she also wrote extensively about mental illness. Lucy Maud Montgomery was more than just the stories she wrote about that precocious redhead from PEI!

A full list of exhibition venues is available on the exhibition's website. As well, the exhibition catalogue is available for ordering through

Contact Info

Please direct your questions about the exhibition to Barbara Helander, Exhibition Coordinator,

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Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001

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